The below stories show our students experiences in the TaoYoga Arts System. 

Many have experienced wonderful benefits from their TaoYoga study such as:

self healing, transformation, gaining inner peace, and developing a deep life wisdom.


I have been circling the globe searching for meaning beyond the confines of society and the material obsessions of the modern world. 

Tired of the search, but still moving on, i trudged into a TaoYoga Arts workshop on Maui with Jesse. 

I sat my weary bones down and let this discipline lead me to a place where there was no more time,

no more separation and no more linear thought..... 

Complete inner peace, balance and harmony....

Finally i think i get it...happiness is an inside job.

Michael Greene, USA

As I have been practicing TaoYoga Arts, I became so healthy and feel good.
I feel refreshed and connected to nature as I practice Tao Yoga.
I am so thankful for this practice.
Tao Yoga has changed and transformed my life.
I hope that more and more people can experience TaoYoga Arts!!!

Maki, Japan

Think less....

Feel more....

Since I started TaoYoga Arts, when I feel down from daily life, I repeat these words...

Think less....

Feel more....

I then smile to my body and inner self....

When I do this, naturally my calm feeling comes back, and I relax again...

I realize I am what I am, and I have come to deeply respect myself...

When I do TaoYoga practice daily, I feel I am taking good care of myself;

which is a necessary thing for me.

I want to continue to practice TaoYoga for the rest of my life...

I thank my friend who introduce me to TaoYoga Arts, and to Yuko-san and Jesse-san.

Thank you very much!

Ayaka Fukui, Japan


Learning TaoYoga Arts really has been a life changing experience and I feel like I can accomplish things now and do so much more than ever before - I FEEL GREAT !!!!  The teachings and the Taoist Practices I have been taught have changed my daily life. I now practice Tao Yoga daily, and it is helping to heal a decades old injury.  Doing TaoYoga Practice has given me back the power of balance and given me the ability to be in a place of great healing.  This study of TaoYoga Arts truly has been a life changing experience.

Rebekah Whitney, USA


Jesse is an amazing teacher and friend, and his patience,

peace and competence are the characteristics of a real Taoist:

a symbol for everyone embarking on the journey of inner research.

Learning TaoYoga Arts was a wonderful training and experience.

To learn and study with those friends was a great spiritual experience,

one that that warms up your heart and lets you feel the seeds of:

Love, Peace, Harmony and Knowledge that grows deep within your heart.
Alessandro Nutini, Italy

Yuko's graceful demonstration of the TaoYoga Arts '8 Immortal' form served as an inspiration to me to learn.

I would recommend anyone to take the opportunity to practice this particular form of TaoYoga.

It feels wonderful to do the movements - it is beautifully flowing and very yin!

Uta D, London, UK