Tao Alchemy Meditation

Tao Alchemy Meditation

When the heart is calm, the spirit is tranquil,

When the spirit is tranquil, the heart is set at ease,

When the heart is set at ease, it is full and still,

When there is fullness and stillness, there are no disturbances,

When there are no disturbances, the Energy can circulate...


Tonight we had our Tao Alchemy Meditation class in Tokyo.

It was the anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami we all experienced on 3/11/2011...

We talked about those who lost so much...

Lost their homes, lost their families, lost hope....


We also reflected on how fortunate we are, how blessed we are, how we have so very much in our lives...

We expressed a deep gratitude in our hearts, and allowed this to be our  directing intention in class.

The experience of the great earthquake and tsunami changed everything in my life...

I remember that day...

The shaking was so strong, as if the earth below had become some form of liquid wave - 

pulsing, flowing, ebbing - up and down - so strong and powerful, like nothing I had ever experienced...

for a moment, I felt it was the end perhaps...

In that moment, I turned inward, and went into a deep calm state, accepting, yielding, centering....

Everyday, is sacred, every moment precious...


A sacred gift....

Treasure your life...


I choose to express my life through self cultivation of the Taoist Arts - 

seeking to reach for a high level of self development and spiritual evolution..

I share my experience in Self Cultivation through my teaching of the TaoYoga Arts System...

Cultivation and development of Inner Energy...

the key to Spiritual Evolution,

Self Development, and awakening of the Wisdom Mind...


Our class this evening was structured into Five Sections of Practice....

Golden Lotus Meridian Stretching /  5 Energy Gates Pose / Tao Longevity Breath Work / Dragon & Tiger Qigong / Longevity Self Massage


*Golden Lotus Meridian Stretching*

The Golden Lotus Set is a series of Taoist Yoga movements, stretches and circular motions which allow

for a systematic opening of the joints, transformation of the tendon and fascia network, and opening of the energetic meridian systems.

A very unique aspect of Taoist Yoga practice is the relationship the Ancient Taoists found to the tendon / fascia networks,

and the energetic meridian systems.  The tendon/fascia is a Yin structure - while the energetic meridians are a Yang element.

When the tendon and specifically the fascia lines are rhythmically expanded /  lengthened / stretched - then consciously relaxed,

this will stimulate a pumping of energy from within the Dantian Core Energy Center, which then moves through the meridian pathways -

opening blockage, removing obstacles, and creating a clear and unobstructed pathway for further energy to flow and circulate.

This is a very important stage in Foundation Training, and leads to a smooth circulation through the Energy Meridian Network,

which brings about healing, improved health, and a greater feeling of Wellbeing....